Friday, June 17, 2011

logo . design . layout *LDL part 2

seperti janji saya pada postingan sebelumnya, kali ini saya akan share mengenai logo.. 
semua tulisan di postingan ini bersumber dari buku Graphic for bussiness - John Mcwade :)

1. A succsesfull logo can't be just creative or clever, because a logo ends up being an important guest at many occasions, it absolutely must perform and behave well no matter what.

2. Make a design logo steps:
- it's simple : a "too busy" logo is roadblock to communication, so don't crowd it with stuff.
- it's bold : make the font bold
- it works well in all sizes
- it is appropriate for the bussiness
- it is disinctive : don't settle for the ordinary, your company is unique, capture this intelligently and thoughtfully.

3. circle are strong design elements.
a circle is familiar focal point which the eye can intepret with little effort. (cousin to the circle is the ellipse)

4. avoid trendy typefaces
unless you're in the fashion bussiness, the type you choose for your corporate identity should still be suitable years from now.

5. avoid extremly tall or wide logos (good proportion of logo) odd shapes are hard to fit into common spaces and as a rule they aren't as pleasing, either.

6. design logo and name as a unit
if the company name will be part of the design look for ways to integrate the two.

7. the basic four steps to make a logo:
- picks a dingbat
- add a background
- modify
- finish with a name
ps: A dingbat is an ornament, character or spacer used in typesetting, sometimes more formally known as a "printer's ornament" or "printer's character"

8. what should your logo look like?
express the intangible add suggest the physical

9. use a background to add beauty, tension, strength
# use a background to:
- make your logo bolder
- give your logo a pleasing shape
- smooth an uneven edge
- intensify the color
- create dynamic tension
# set an artistic stage
# target and define
# reverse and erergize
# scale and reposition

10. create transformation logos
# take it apart:
- separate a section
- realign halves
- move each section
- rotate one more sections
- delete part of it
# transform one or more parts --> split, reduce to top, reflect
# use only some of the parts --> cut some parts
# build ot from separate parts

and the last but not least...

11. add the company name! make it small or big it depends on you :D

ps: kalau ada masukan mau belajar apa ttg design bisa kasih tau saya, biar saya cari ilmunya dan share disini :)

happy weekends guys!

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